Pay Online at Wiltshire and Southampton & Eastleigh BCP
Application fees due for online applications made to Wiltshire and the Southampton and Eastleigh BC Partnership can now be paid online as well.
One of the biggest frustrations is not being able to complete the application process online if they have to still post a check, wait for an invoice, or call in with credit card details. Wiltshire and Southampton & Eastleigh BCP have completed the online circle by allowing applicants to pay for their applications online. Payment is integrated into the application process with the appropriate fee being requested once the application has been assessed by the Authority.
The Authority gains by getting paid quicker, reducing administration, improving customer satisfaction, speeding up approval and removing errors in the fees paid as the application is first checked at the Authority before the correct fee or fees are requested.
A win for the applicant and the Authority.
NB London Borough of Richmond to follow shortly.
One of the biggest frustrations is not being able to complete the application process online if they have to still post a check, wait for an invoice, or call in with credit card details. Wiltshire and Southampton & Eastleigh BCP have completed the online circle by allowing applicants to pay for their applications online. Payment is integrated into the application process with the appropriate fee being requested once the application has been assessed by the Authority.
The Authority gains by getting paid quicker, reducing administration, improving customer satisfaction, speeding up approval and removing errors in the fees paid as the application is first checked at the Authority before the correct fee or fees are requested.
A win for the applicant and the Authority.
NB London Borough of Richmond to follow shortly.