Why have the forms changed ?

The Building Safety Regulator has been making major changes to building regulation approval.

A critical part of this means that it is important to identify what works are being done, and what kind of building is affected.
They have also made legal entities of the people involved in the project, namely duty holders.

1. The Client - This is generally who the works are being carried out for, normally the building owner.

2. The Principal Designer - This is the person who is specifying the works. For most projects this person who created the plans, but where plans are not being used then this would refer to the person specifying what work is being done, this may be the property owner for some minor projects.

3. The Principal Contractor - This is the person/company/builder actually carrying out the works. There maybe more than one during the duration of a project. It is a legal requirement to let building control know within 5 days of appointing one. Where applicable use the "Site Details" area on the "Manage Existing" to supply this notification.

At the end of the building process, all 3 of these duty holders must provide a statement saying that "as far as they are aware" the building regulations have been met. This is to stop people saying they thought it was someone elses responsibilty to declare if something is wrong.

The authority may ask you to provide this statement through Submitaplan.

So the forms have changed, so this information can be recorded, and that the building type can be determined, so the right person with the right qualifications can check the plans, and visit your site and check compliance.

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