Southampton and Eastleigh Partner Up on Submit a Plan
The recently formed Southampton and Eastleigh Building Control Partnership have now gone live as a partnership on Submit a Plan.
The partnership delivers Building Control Services for the benefit of residents and customers of both Southampton and Eastleigh Councils and can be found by selecting either Eastleigh or Southampton on the Submit a Plan website.
Southampton has been long term member of Submit a Plan, the local Authority Building Control portal for online applications, regularly topping the table in the South East region for the number of applications received online. Applications can now be submitted and paid for on line for the Eastleigh Council region as well.
The Partnership would like you to take advantage of the financial and environmental benefits of submitting applications online through the LABC Submit-a-Plan Building Control portal
The hidden financial costs associated with every paper application such as printing, packaging, postage and labour are often overlooked simply because it’s the way is always been done. In today’s environmentally conscious world there are also the carbon costs in the materials and transportation to be considered.
Southampton and Eastleigh BCP would like to change all of that by cutting out the paper and making online submissions the preferred method for receiving applications.
To make an online application for the first time you will need to create a free account on which will take about 2 minutes. After that you simply have to complete the online form and upload your drawings. After you initial application you can also send new and revised drawings, check the status of the application and even communicate with your assigned officer.
To help you make the transition we will provide you with telephone support if required. You can organise this by emailing your details to or calling us on 01242 260505.